Monday, September 15, 2008

Hugs From Ireland!

Hey Everyone,

First off, I have one word for you all....PICTURES! Yay! I finally got to put some up today. I have taken over 400 already, so I cannot imagine how many I will have when this trip is over. Anyways, obviously with that many pictures this is just a sample of what's been going on, but still exciting.

We moved to Murlough House yesterday. It was our fourth move in less than two weeks, but everyone has been doing great. I guess when you are having a blast and surrounded by breathtaking views every which way you look you don't have much room to complain. Though; it will be nice to be at the Holiday Homes and get settled in as an added bonus in two weeks.

I just got back from a jog. I ran down to the bay and watched the tide go out, and then was able to walk out into the bay where the water had just been. My shoes kept getting stuck and the sea weed was a little smelly and slimy, but how cool to walk out into the bay. I loved it! Plus running felt good.

I got a little homesick last night because most everyone has a cell phone and was on the phone with their families so that made me a little sad, but I was tough. No worries!

Murlough house is beautiful and it is funny because all 12 of us girls are in one room! It's just like Madeline at her boarding school. I like it though...girl time it always fun!

I guess I need to wrap this us because I have to clean the bathrooms (it's my turn), but click on the link to check out my photo album. You will see a slideshot already, but if you want the pictures larger, just click on one.

With Lots of Love and Hugs!


PS, I apologize because the pictures are in random order, so that is why they jump around. Oh well though.


Unknown said...

OH WOW! How BEAUTIFUL!!!!!!!!!! Praise the Lord that you are getting to see it with your own two eyes! How incredible is that? You are THERE! WOW! It is almost hard for me to believe that you are actually there. I do miss you so much so reality does set in. Thanks for the pictures!!! I love you most! MOM

Mom and Dad said...

Hi Kaitlyn,

It is so good to read your blog and see your pictures. They bring back many wonderful memories. We were excited that you made it across the rope bridge. Isn't the giant's causeway truly wonderful?

We are happy for you - Pam and Tim

Erin Cox said...

Kaitlyn! Those pictures are incredible... North Shore is so beautiful! It sounds like you're doing well, I'm happy to hear. Are you on Skype? You should get it.. I've got an account because that's how I get to see Paige. If you get one, look me up! I'm glad you've got this blog goin, I'll check it frequently... take care of yourself and tell KP I said what's good.