Friday, October 17, 2008

For Mom and Dad

For Mom and Dad - Who have both taught me to reflect and contemplate -

Some times we have to go through the difficult process of removing the hindrances in our lives in order to continue as we were meant to. Just as a person who discovers they have cancer in their leg is not eager to have their leg amputated, there are times when it must be done. If the cancer is not removed, it will overpower the rest of the body, slowly weakening and killing that whom it holds captive. No one wants to lose their leg – no one wants to lose a part of themselves – but when life is dependent upon it the deed must be done. The person with the newly amputated leg will have to learn to walk again, adjusting to their new form, but they will learn to walk again with new life and a new strength. Our hindrances are our cancer, and we too must go through a process of amputation - we too must learn to walk again... and we will learn to walk again, with renewed spirits and a lightened load - For how precious is the breath of freedom? I find myself learning to walk again. It is no easy thing, but I can already feel my spirits being renewed as my load is lightened. And as I stumble through those first steps, tripping and falling along the way, I feel a hand guiding me and a whisper, which says “You are doing it, that’s the way, it is all going to be okay”.

I miss you both very very much. Mom - I taught Aidan "He's Got the Whole World in His Hands" and it made me smile thinking of you getting me from Mrs. Whitley's class in kindergarten and first grade and driving down to Mamaw and Papaws. I know this wasn't really an update post, but I'm lying in bed sick, with Kaylie (having caught what I have) lying in her bed a few feet away. The rest of the team is in Belfast, so I wrote this and thought I'd post it for the both of you.

My Cup Runneth over!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hey Tater,

I absolutely loved your posting. I read it to dad and he was impressed as well. I saw your Paris pictures for the first time and loved seeing them. It is just so neat to realize that our daughter is able to be THERE and see these things first hand. God is good all of the time ~ all of the time God is good. Woo! Hoo!

Yes, those drives to Ardmore were fun weren't they? Whenever we got into discussions about Jesus or sang to Him, it seemed the trip was over so quickly. I love you precious and will email you soon! My cup always runneth over...MOM :-)